A Rule of Life: A Perspective by Ruth Haley Barton — Sacred Rhythms

Both the field and the pearl are metaphors for the kingdom of God – that state of being in which God is reigning in our life and his presence is shaping our reality. The kingdom of God is here now, if we are willing to arrange our life to embrace it. Paul speaks in passionate terms of using every ounce of his energy and intentionality to present every person mature in Christ - beginning, presumably, with himself. The only question, it seems, is, how bad do you want it?

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I made it through the first week...sort of

Well. Here we are on the journey. I have never run a marathon. For those who have, and I know many, the first order of business or training is putting on a pair of running shoes and stepping out the door and taking the first step. The first burst of energy dissipates about 500 meters down the road as you realize just how out of shape or out of wind you have become. You begin to walk and then run again, for a few more meters, and then head home after 20 minutes. What happened?

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